RescuePlan 11
Sorry for the delay!
Here is the latest page posted a while back on Tumblr!
I’m sure you’ve all noticed some changes on the site. I’ve had to re-install wordpress/comicpress and a few things got shifted around.
All previous pages have been imported, and most links should work as previously did.
I’ll be going through and updating other site pages/adding new things in the next few weeks.
There should be a new page on Friday as planned! 🙂
ALSO! My friend Alex has started her new Webcomic Monster You should definitely go check that out.
HAHAHAHAOMGBACONMONSTERISJUSTSOHILLARIOUSHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is a VERY GOOD REASON for why I love Bacon Monster SO MUCH. That line was just WONDERFUL!! Please continue to make Bacon Monster have the best lines ever. That was just WONDERFUL!!!!
Somehow, I’m reminded of Splatoon.